Photograph of the Four Seasons garden pathway with Asters in the foregroundAs an education leader, we engage students, families, teachers, and life-long learners to dig a little deeper into the science of trees. The Bayard Cutting Arboretum education programs are available year-round and provide learning experiences for educators, families, kids, adults, school groups, and youth groups.



      • KIDS & FAMILY
        The BCA Education Program offers classes and workshops for both children and adults! Farm School classes are designed to introduce children to the importance of the how, what, why, where, and when of growing fruit, flowers, and vegetables. LEARN MORE ABOUT OUR KIDS & FAMILY-FRIENDLY WORKSHOPS


          In these workshops, we feature our horticultural staff as well as outside educators from the local community. Learn techniques and practices to bring a bit of what you love about BCA back to your own home or garden. LEARN MORE ABOUT OUR ADULT WORKSHOPS


          Horticultural interns will receive practical, hands-on experience in all phases of grounds maintenance, landscape design, and enhancement of a diverse plant collection within the 691-acre Arboretum. LEARN MORE ABOUT OUR INTERNSHIPS