Photograph by Heather Coste of an Aster tataricus 'Jindai' and hoverfly.

Support Your Local Arboretum Today!





The Natural Heritage Trust was established statutorily in 1968 as the State of New York public benefit corporation. The NHT is tax-exempt pursuant to Section 170 (b) of the Internal Revenue Code and is a publicly supported 501(c)(3) charitable organization.


The Natural Heritage Trust ensures the safekeeping of funds held in trust and invests funds prudently and in a manner consistent with the underlying gift, grant, or project agreement. Private funding endowed through the NHT has supported a wide variety of cultural and recreational programs, capital projects and improvements, environmental and outdoor education, natural resource protection and restoration, and historic preservation throughout the State for over forty years.


Donations made to Natural Heritage Trust, in the name of Bayard Cutting Arboretum will help the Arboretum continue to complete ongoing plantings and restoration projects both in the house and on the grounds and support community events such as our Arbor Day Celebration and the Holiday Tree Lighting Ceremony. We hope to not only maintain our current level of horticultural diversity and community involvement but also offer more for our patrons in the future. At Bayard Cutting Arboretum it is our goal to offer our patrons additional sights and experiences each time they decide to visit us.




By leaving a bequest to the Natural Heritage Trust, you will make a lasting contribution to Bayard Cutting Arboretum. You can designate a specific amount, a percentage of your total estate, or a share of the residual amount after gifts to your heirs. Your bequest can be designated for general purposes or to a specific project, or program area. Although you are not obligated to notify the Natural Heritage Trust of your intended gift, doing so will allow the Trust to appropriately thank you for your gift and keep you updated on the work of the Trust. If you have questions on how to include the Trust in your will, contact us at or 1-518-474-2997.


Life-Payment Gifts

Life-payment plans allow you to make a contribution to the Natural Heritage Trust while still providing for your personal financial needs. Life-payment plans may offer substantial tax benefits.


Charitable Remainder Trusts

Charitable remainder trusts are popular plans because of the flexibility they offer. They are similar to other types of trusts, except that the Natural Heritage Trust receives the remainder of interest. You assign cash or securities and specify how trust income and the remainder interest will be distributed.

Charitable Lead Trust

Charitable lead trusts are the reverse of charitable remainder trusts in that payments from the trust are given to the  Natural Heritage Trust for a specified term in years. Upon your death or the end of the term, the net assets of the trust pass to your family or other designees.

Gifts of Life Insurance

When your life insurance policy was originally purchased, you had a need for the benefits. Perhaps today you don’t need the coverage. To contribute to your life insurance policy, simply name the Natural Heritage Trust its beneficiary or partial beneficiary.

Gifts of Retirement Plans

You can name the Natural Heritage Trust as a beneficiary of your pension, 401K, IRA, or other retirement plans. Please discuss your particular situation with your tax advisor.