Dr. Beth Brantley is a plant pathologist and research scientist with Bartlett Tree Research Laboratories. She is based in New Hampshire and provides scientific and technical support to Bartlett Tree Experts arborists in the northeastern US. Her areas of interest include beech leaf disease, climate resilient species, conifers, soil and root health, tree risk assessment, and wood decay. Beth is an ISA Board Certified Master Arborist and an ISA Tree Risk Assessment qualification instructor. She holds a PhD in plant pathology and taught for 22 years at Penn State Mont Alto before joining Bartlett in 2019.















  • 9:45A | Evergreens and Pathogens: Changing with the Times

    Fascinating and frustrating pathogens of evergreen plants will be featured in this presentation. Phytophthora root rot continues to challenge woody plants, foliar fungal diseases are increasing, and other exciting pathogens are establishing on our landscapes. Recommendations for providing the best care possible for our favorite evergreen species will be featured.


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